At what point does a theory become fact? I have hypothesized for some time that the best days begin on a dive boat and it proved to be correct again. 84 out of 84 times - that must qualify as a fact.

But between 80 - 65 feet they came a little closer and were easier to see. There must have been 20 or so swimming around. I can't describe how amazing it was to see my favorite shark!
We also found some 'Chocolate Chip' Starfish, which cannot be eaten with cold milk at 120 feet, as well as some very interestingly shaped jellyfish. It was a great dive.
After we finished off our Nitrox certification we decided to visit a spot at the southern most point of Cabo San Lucas called 'Lover's beach'. (In Spanish it is 'Lowbbers Beech'. Don't forget to roll your R.) It's a unique little spot where you can stand and see both the Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Ocean. There must be a 20 degree difference from one side to the other.

And when the last day of your vacation includes fajitas and a hotel tub full of dive equipment - well, that's the sign of a GREAT vacation!