See Stonehenge in the daytime, minus the rain. Check.
Due to 6 tube stations being closed and the inability for STEINER’S to get out of the door on time, we were about 45 minutes late meeting Scott at Heathrow. However, even if we had left the flat when we planned there still wouldn’t have been a train to take us to the airport. We had to do a little rerouting and finagling but we are London Underground pros at this point.
We zipped over to Hertz where we were upgraded to an automatic. I was very grateful as driving on the opposite side of the road from the opposite side of the car with 4 ‘backseat drivers’ is only more intense when trying to shift with the opposite hand. Drew navigated and … well, if not the fastest route, we took a very scenic one.
Did I mention it was a beautiful day?
Druids, blue stones, post and lentil, blah, blah, blah… All I know is that Stonehenge is impressive. We took tons of photos and walked around slowly even stopping to nap on the grass. I think Scott would have slept for hours if we had let him.
On the way back to the airport we detoured to Windsor and took a peek at the beautiful castle there. It’s an idyllic setting on the Thames surrounded by an ancient and historical town. When I’ve gone to London my Dad has usually suggested I eat at the Wagamama Noodle Bar and there happens to be one in Windsor. I followed his advice and wasn’t sorry. (Side story: Last time David ate Kim chi was when he was 8 years old on a trip to Korea. He promptly threw up. Feeling he had a bone to pick with Kim chi, he took another shot. I am pleased to say at the moment it’s staying down.)

As I write this little update, we are on our British Air flight sitting on the tarmac, waiting for the green light to take off. Apparently the Greek flight controllers are on strike and as our path takes us over Greece we may be here for a while. Watch the news; we might be one of those horror stories you hear about. At least they’ve opened the bathrooms!
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