Today (Tuesday) we drove to Caesarea, an Israeli coastal town north of Tel Aviv. Pontius Pilate lived here and the ruins of his palace are clearly visible. The government has reconstructed the amphitheater, with improvements of course, and they were actually setting up for a concert while we visited. We couldn’t resist dipping our toes in the Mediterranean Sea, which was quite warm - it made sense. It felt a little like a moist oven standing outside. Our tour bus is air-conditioned so it kind of becomes a refuge.

We continued north and stopped at Mt. Tabor, the Jordan River and are staying the night at Galilee’ all locations with significant biblical histories.

It feels so sweet to revisit the places that were part of our semester abroad 24 years ago. Scott and I are remembering and reminding each other of things that we did, and eating kosher again. It’s a ‘walk down memory lane’ but boy how things have changed! They are actually putting a light rail system in Jerusalem and the little trailers that we staying in last time at Galilee are comfortable hotel rooms. It’s been especially amazing to share it with the kids. They are having a blast as our tour group mostly consists of young single adults and they’ve made some fast friends.

Kind of an interesting development today; a mother and her son joined our group and will be with us for 4 days or so. She and her husband just picked up their son from his LDS mission in Sierra Leone. Turns out that they lived in our Pleasant View neighborhood and the missionary, Rhett? Well, he played lacrosse for my team!
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