Example: I presented my middle child with the carry-on that he would be using for our 5-week trip. I immediately began to tell him that it was the best carry-on we have and that I really wanted to use it for myself, but am selflessly giving it to him, because he is special. (Creates the thought that he is the favorite child.) I proceed to point out that this carry-on has uncommon features that the others do not. (Creates thought that it really is better so he must be better also.) I show him that it comes with straps that turn it into a back pack which is convenient for all those train boardings. (Creates the feeling that he has a leg-up on all of us, therefore he is at the top of the pecking order.)
It's pretty effective really. After discovering a space behind the liner, Drew even commented that it was a super secret hiding spot where he would put multiple passports with various identities as well as foreign currency from every country and a gun and a knife, like Jason Bourne. I was a little worried since he is 19 after all and it seemed a little immature. Then, my fears were laid to rest when I received this packing suggestion from my 38 year-old brother in-law;

He's only 37.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Drew is SO on to you. Your Jedi mind tricks aren't working on him. In attempting to do so, you have successfully completed your transformation into YOUR Mother. Make sure you are traveling with a used Kleenex in every pocket.
Or maybe instead of being telepathic, Drew just knows how to read a blog...