Being the ever conscious, super savvy, prepared traveler that I am, I photocopied all our passports this morning. It's a good idea to leave one at home with relatives as well as taking a copy along in case you lose your passport. Yeah, that is what seasoned travelers know.
As they are copying, I begin to re-read travel tips from the guide we will be traveling with in Israel and Egypt. I read, "Make sure you have a valid passport." Well, duh. "Make sure it's valid for at least 6 months from the date of your return." Wait. What? Really?
*Quick check of passport expiration dates; Feb 2019 - good, Aug 2016 - good, Jan 2016 - good, Jan 2011.... #%*&$. Calm down, take a breath and count. Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan. Thats 6! But crap! July 26 to January 16 is 10 days shy of 6 months. *#%@&, again.
*Quick text to tour guide, "We really have to have a valid passport for 6 months from our return?" He responds that he's never had a problem (I am sure his secretary put together the list of guidelines).
*Quick internet search regarding requirements for travel to Israel. "Some countries require that your passport be valid for 6 months from the time you enter their country." *#&@% once more.
*Quick visit to US State Department website. "A valid passport for 6 months from the date of entering Israel, an onward or return ticket, and proof of sufficient funds are required for entry." #&%@*!!
*Quick phone call to the Israeli embassy in DC and short conversation with an unhappy and unhelpful Jewish woman. "Yes, it is a requirement that your passport be valid for 6 months from the time you enter Israel. What is your question?"
*Quick phone call to the US Passport agency. "Let's look at the requirement together. Yep, says right there, 6 months. Expedited renewal? Can't do that locally, you'll have to go to the regional office, they can do that. It's in Colorado. (I live in Utah. It's Friday. We leave Sunday.) Let's see if you can make an appointment for Saturday. Nope, they are full up. Good luck and goodbye." *#%@$
*Quick phone call to El Al airlines. "Yes, 6 months is the requirement but it's up to the discretion of the passport agent at the airport." Is there such a thing as a lenient Israeli Immigration Agent?
We have no choice. We'll have to take our chances. Not one thing I can do now. My hope is that (1) they are only 2 kids of a family of 5 traveling together, (2) they are only 2 kids of a tour group of 20 that are traveling with a guide and (3) IT'S 10 DAYS SHORT! Cross your fingers and say a prayer.
In the meantime, I'll be dropping by the US Embassy in London FIRST thing Monday morning.
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